Once upon a time, there lived a man in a village. He had a small garden in which he worked hard to grow fruits and support his family. The man worked hard all year in the garden and when the fruits were ripe he would leave the house to pick them. So he would take the poor and the needy with him, and when he reached the garden he would say to them, "Shake the trees so hard that the fruit will fall down and fall down. And he would be blessed and the man's garden would be blessed and his house would be prosperous and this was always the man's routine.
Time passed and he got old and became very ill. One day the man called his sons and strongly advised them to take the needy people with them when they go to pick fruits from the garden after my death. Repeat the same process that I have been doing to this day.
The man said:
"If you don't, you'll be ruined."
After a few days, the man died. The man's sons did not follow their father's advice at all.
They began to say:
"In this garden, we grow fruits with our labor. It is all ours. There is no one in it except us."
Gradually the disease began to spread in his garden and all the trees became barren. The man's words came true and everything became barren.
One night the man's son saw his father in a dream
He said to his son:
"I advised you before I died, but you did not obey me, and this is the cause of your ruin today."
Go and give the poor their share as soon as your situation improves.
So the man's sons did this again, they worked hard in the garden and when the fruits were ripe, they took the needy with them and did what their father, used to do, and then things started to get better.
When we help someone in our life, prayers come from his heart and are acceptable in the sight of God, which pleases God and gives happiness to man. That is, those prayers are the cause of our best deeds. That is, such prayers come from which come out of the heart when the need of a poor person is met.
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